Introduction - principal (give and take )collective bargaining as process of discussion and negotiation between two parties (employer and a group of worker) worker stand in a weaker position before his employer andthe wealthy employer stands in a better position .workman can secure better wages ,better term of employment and greater security
Collective bargaining –condition of labour hours of work ,holydays, pay ,promotion ,wages ,allowance, bonus ,gratuity ,pension ,and group insurance and other like privileges can be settled by negation between the body of workmen and single employer or employersCollective bargaining has not been defend in industrial dispute act 1947 To object of collective bargaining is to harmonies labour relation to promote industrial peace
Limitation of collective bargaining
Freedom of the individual worker to contractStatutry provision under the labour determinate the term and condition of employment of worker
Essential of effective collective bargaining Collective bargaining between worker and management · Standing bargaining agent · Responsible management · Mutual faith and trust between management and worker or trade union · Honoring agreement
Scope of collective bargaining 1. Subject matter of collective bargaining 2. Bargaining power 3. barganing process 4. By consent and award 5. Bargaining contract
Structure of collective bargaining Collective bargaining in india (Indian industrial dispute ACT1947) collective barganing (section 10A)inserted industrial dispute ACT 1947(appointment of conciliationofficers )Charged with the duty of mediation in and promoting the settlement industrial dispute ARTICAL 43A-of the constitution state shall takestep by suitable legislation or in another way to secure participation of worker in the management of undertaking other organization engaged in the industry (ART 19 1(c )of constitution guarantee to all citizen of the right to from association or unionGeneral conference of IOL (international labour organization 1 july 1949 enteredinto force on 18 july 1951 Is Collective Bargaining Agreement Is Enforceable In Law. Advantage or importance · Harmonious labour management relationship · Industrial peace which is a key of industrial growth of any nation · Create social justice and social changes
Disadvantages of collective bargaining 1)due to collective bargaining wages are increased and the the result highest cost of production.Producer enhance price and ultimately the consumer are victims of many collective bargaining.
Reasons for failure of collective bargaining in india · Illiteracy andpoverty of worker · Political interference by outsiders · Inter union revelry
