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Updated: Aug 23, 2021


  1. Abolition of Untouchability.

  2. Citizenship under Indian Constitution

  3. Cultural and Educational Rights of Minority.****

  4. Definition of Law.

  5. Doctrine of Eclipse****

  6. Doctrine of Severability.

  7. Double Jeopardy.

  8. Emergency and Fundamental Rights.

  9. Equal Protection of Law

  10. Explain Freedom of Press.

  11. Explain the concept of equality before the law with the help of cases.

  12. Free Legal Aid

  13. Freedom of Assembly

  14. Freedom of Speech and Expression.

  15. Fundamental Duties

  16. Fundamental duties towards women

  17. Parliamentary Privileges.

  18. Protection against arrest and Preventive detention.

  19. Right of Minorities.

  20. Right to Clean Environment

  21. Right to Education.

  22. Right to Equality

  23. Right to free legal aid

  24. Right to work.

  25. Rule of Harmonious construction.

  26. Uniform Civil Code

  27. What are parliamentary privileges to members?

  28. What is concept of Protection against Double Jeopardy?

  29. What is meant by Citizens by domicile?

  30. Writ of Certiorari

  31. Writ of Mandamus.

  32. Writ of Quo-Warranto

  33. Write a brief note on Fundamental Duties.


  1. “Article 14 forbids the class legislation but permits classification.” Discuss the scope of Doctrine and Reasonable classification in light of the above statement.

  2. “Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are complimentary and not contradictory to each other.” Comment.

  3. “Supreme Court has accorded widest possible interpretation to Right to life and liberty under Article 21.” Comment.

  4. Critically examine the Doctrine of Judicial Review with the help of leading cases.

  5. Define ‘State’ within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution of India referring to the relevant case laws.

  6. Define state. Explain the term ‘other authorities’ under Article 12 of the Constitution.

  7. Define state. How important it is for modern states to Protect Fundamental Rights?

  8. Describe Right to equality under Art.14 of the constitution.

  9. Describe the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.

  10. Discuss the growth and importance of Public Interest litigations in India.

  11. Discuss the impact of Proclamation of Emergency on Fundamental Rights.

  12. Discuss the nature and scope of Freedom of speech and expression. Is it subject to any restrictions?

  13. Discuss the scope of Article 21 of the Constitution through a comparative analysis between A.K. Gopalan’s case and Maneka Gandhi V/s. Union of India.

  14. Discuss the scope of the privilege against self-incrimination.

  15. Discuss the scope of the right to freedom of religion guaranteed by the Constitution of India.

  16. Discuss with the help of case-laws the interpretation of the term ‘Other authority’ in Art. 12.

  17. Enumerate the Fundamental duties. Are they enforceable in the court of law?

  18. Examine the Fundamental Rights available to the linguistic and cultural minorities under Constitution of India.

  19. Explain the concept of Public Interest Litigation with relevant case laws.

  20. Explain the Constitutional provisions as to citizenship in India.

  21. Explain the nature and scope of Directive Principles.

  22. Explain the nature and scope of Judicial Review.

  23. Explain the need and status of Fundamental Duties in Constitutional Setup.

  24. Explain the scope of freedom of speech and expression under Indian Constitution. Mention the restrictions on such freedoms.

  25. Explain the term ‘State’ with the help of case laws.

  26. Explain with the help of case-laws, how the interpretation of Art. 21 underwent a sweeping change over a period of time.

  27. Explain, principles of Ex-Post facto law and Double Jeopardy.

  28. How Fundamental Rights and Human Rights are related to each other?Is judiciary a part of State under Art. 12? Discuss with the help of case-laws.

  29. Right to life is source of several Fundamental Rights. Explain.

  30. State how Fundamental Rights are enforced?

  31. State the six freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution under Art. 19. Discuss any two in detail with case laws.

  32. Throw light on the inter-relationship between Directive principles and Fundamental Rights. Cite case-laws wherever necessary.

  33. What are the underlying objects behind the Directive Principles of State Policy?

  34. What is the scope and extent of the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by the Constitution along with reasonable restrictions?

  35. What is the scope and extent of the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by the Constitution along with reasonable restrictions?

  36. Write a detailed note on ‘Reservations’ and theory of reasonable classification.

  37. Write a detailed note on Freedom of religion under Constitution of India.



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