Rules of a goods precis-writing
Q.1 What are the important rules of good precis-writing?
Rules of precis - writing-some pupil think that precis-writing is very simple. and one can easily write in precision by cutting the words or phrases. This view is quite wrong und harmful. Every lawyer should adopt the best rules of precis-writing. The law student should practice such rules from the beginning of his studies some of the important rules of good precis-writing are given hereunder.
1) The Central idea - The student should read passage, moving along at a good brisk pace with the dominating aim of extractirg from the material the gist, the central idea, the general point that the author is making He should mobilize himself to get into the material thinking along with the author, sensing the author's organisation of idea and demanding constantly from the selection. The details make more sense, are more efficiantly understood and more easily remembered, when the student is armed with a knowledge of the Central idea.
2) Reading- A much more important rule of pirecis-writing is that the student must read the passage with elficient reading. He should read the passage one or more times There is much
importance to readirng in the pleadings. There are certain legal maxims showing the impotanceof reading "Nemo enim aliquam partem recte intelligere poss it antequam totum eterum atqueiterumperle gerit. (Max)." No one is able rightly to understand one part before he has againand again read through the whole .Partem aliquamI recte intelligere poss it an tequam tatumiterum atque iterum perlegent" (Max)." No onie can rightly understood any part until he has read the whole over and Over again. "Nemo enim allquam partem recte intalligere possit antequamtotum eterum atque iterum perlegerit (Max)" No one can understend the significance of a part of a writing until he has read the whole again and again "Quod non legitur , non creditiur What isnot read is not believed These legal maxims show the importance of reading. Just reading is not sufficient. The student must involve with the matter. If necessary he must read the passage who times or more, until he gains the confidence and complete understanding. Efficient reading coriveys the terms Main idea central theme, cantral thought, main points etc. of the passage to the reader it also doveiops strong intellectual curiosity in the subject.
3) Wishing is not sutficient, there must be will - Thare is a lot of difterence in between wishing'and will' when the student pays full attention it is called will' it he does not pay full attention, and pays a mere attention, it is called wishing
4) Concentration- Concentration is more important. Concentration in reading and consistingas in any other activity, consists of such deop, active, and purposetul involvement that innerdistractions can not occur, mind wandering is eliminated, and the external world might as well as for the time being the completely non-existent .
5) Repeated terms - In some passages the tems are repeated. In precis-writing repetition ofsuch terms should not occur A realization that concise is not directly concerned with words, or even phrases but anly with ideas.
6) Minor details - A realization that main ideas are more important than minor details. Leave such minor details. )
7) Own comments - It is advised to avoid your own comments inprecis-writing. You must go according to the main ideas of the author.
8) Cogency - Cogency meanis "oonvincing" the precision must be cogent with the original. It
should not detract from its original ideas.
9) Number of words in precis-writing - There is not water-tight rule in fixing the number of wordsin precis-writing. However, it is always preferred to have precis- writing in one-third from itsoriginal passage.
10) Grammar - Acquiring English grammar is an assentiai point in translationof passages from regional language to English, precis-writing pleadings, arguments, etc. Bad grammar reduces the marks. It spolls the cogendy.
11) Indirect speech - in precis-writing, direct speech should not ba used. Indirect speech is
preferred in precision.
12) Clarity The precision must possess clarity, A good precis must possess all the important
ideas in the original passage
13) Practice - "Practice makes a man perfect". "Remember the proverb, Rome is not built in a day.You can acquire skilliness in every subject including precis-writing, pleading, etc. by doing regular practice. It will be helpful not only in examinations but also in your future career.
14) Writing In writing the examinations, the student, has no time and opportunity to make a draft concise. He has not prepared sentences in his mind and corrected them in his brain, and then only he has to put them on paper. However, while practicing a home, he can prepare a draft. He can make alterations or add new appropriate words in the draft, and he can make a final. concision.
15) Exercises I have given only exercise in this book keeping in view of the number of pages
increasing. There are several grammar books on the market, such as wren and Martin HighSchool Grammar, Intermediate Grammar, etc. In each d them, there are several exercises. We advise the students to do such exercises and compare them with the solutions given in those books.
16) Title if there is a title in the original passage, the student may lightly alter it o retain it. If there is no title, he is advised to give an attractive, meaningful appropriate, and suitable title.
