Nairobi Declaration, 1982
Nairobi Declaration was adopted at Nairobi for celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment, 1972. 105 nations participated in the Conference which was held from May 10th to 18th, 1982. The Declaration envisaged the creation of a special Commission to frame long-term environmental strategies for achieving sustainable developments up to the year 2000 and beyond. The Declaration was endorsed by the governing council of UNEP in; 1987, and also by the General Assembly of the UNO.
Some of the important provisions of the Nairobi Declaration are as föllows-
(1) It was recognized that threats to the environment are aggravated by poverty as well as by wasteful consumption patterns. Both can lead to over-exploit their environment, The international people Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade and the establishment of a New International Economic order are thus among the major instruments in the global efforts to reverse to environmental degradation.
(2) The human environment would greatly benefit from an international atmosphere of peace and security free from the threat of any war. especially nuclear war, and the waste of intellectual and natural resources on armaments as well as from apartheid, racial segregation and all forms of discrimination, colonial and other forms of" oppression and foreign dominátion.
(3) Many environmental problems transcend national boundaries and should, when appropriate, be resolved for the benefit of all through consultations amongst States and concerted international action. Thus, States should promote environmental law, including conventions and agreements, and expand co-operation in. scientific. research and environmental management.
(4) the progressive development of Developed countries, and other countries should assist developing countries affected by environmental disruption in their domestic affairs to deal with their most serious. environmental problems.,
(5) Further efforts are needed to develop environmentally sound management and methods for the exploitation and utilization of natural resources and to modernize traditional pastoral systems.
(6) Prevention of damage to the environment is preferable to the burdensome and expensive repair of damage already done. Preventive action should include proper planning of all activities, that have an impact on the environment.
(7) Lastly, the World community of States solemnly reaffirms its commitment to the Stockholm Declaration and Action Plan, as well as to the further strengthening and expansion of national efforts and international co-operation in the field of environmental protection. The Declaration also urged all governments and people of the World to discharge their historic responsibility collectively and individually, to ensure that our small planet is passed over to future generations in a condition that guarantees life of human dignity for all.
