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Patent Act 1970

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

Patent act 1970

  1. Define invention. Which inventions are patentable or not patentable

  2. Define patent. State what inventions are not patented?

  3. Discuss in detail the procedure for the acquisition/ obtaining of patent.

  4. Elaborate the rights and obligations of Patentee.

  5. What are the essential documents to be generated and submitted by potential patentee?

  6. What do you mean by the term 'Patent'? What are the types of inventions which are not patentable in India?

  7. Define Patent. Explain the conditions for the (grant) of patent.

1. Define patent. State what inventions are not patented?

Patent define -a patent is a legal document issued by the government to an inventor, his, hairs, assign, and right to prevent

Kind of patent

  1. ·Process patent

  2. ·Product patent

Condition for the grant of patent

  1. ·Application for the patent

  2. ·Examination of the application

  3. ·Accepted complete specification

  4. ·Opposition to grant of patent

  5. ·Granting and sealing of the patent

2.Define invention. Which inventions are patentable ?

invention define –the invention must be new and useful other words originality, novelty, and utility inventory own invention

Type of invention are patentable

·Originality of invention



Essential of a patent for invention

·Patent must be respect of an invention and not discovery

·Single invention must be one single patent


The Indian patents act 1970 provides with regards to patents. section 41 of the patents act 1970 excludes inventions in the field of atomic energy as falling within section 20(1) of the atomic energy act 1922 from the ambit of the patent law. the issue as to whether a particular invention relates to atomic energy is left to the discretion of the central government the invention in the field of atomic energy, therefore, are non -patentable under the Indian patent law



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