Choose the correct alternatives
1.The existence of constitutional dualism is an indication of :
(a) Confederation
(b) Federal Government
(c) Parliamentary Government
(d) Presidential Government
2.Which one of the following is considered as the symbol of representation in politics ?
(a) Judiciary
(b) Separation of Powers
(c) Executive
(d) Legislature
3.Hereditary executive is found in :
(a) Parliamentary System
(b) Presidential System
(c) Federal System
(d) Monarchical System
4. Select the wrong one :
(a) The Executive may grant an amnesty to the State offenders.
(b) Chief Executive is the supreme commander-in-chief of the Defence forces.
(c) Electoral college comprises the representatives of the people in the Union and State legislature.
(d) Executive acts as the custodian of the national purse.
5.Which one of the following offers the means to maintain and foster the vital human diversit without endless political fragmentation ?
(a) Unitary government
(b) Federal government
(c) Parliamentary Government
(d) Presidential government
6.Which one of the following is described as a nation in miniature ?
(a) Judiciary
(b) Executive
(c) Legislature
(d) Confederation
7.The Liberty of the people depends much upon the reliability of :
(a) Party System
(b) Effectiveness of permanent Executive
(c) Judicial System
(d) Over centralization
8.Which one of the following is a feature of Presidential government ?
(a) Instability
(b) Irresponsibility
(c) Inalienability
(d) Stability
9.An independent Judiciary is essential in a Federal system :
(a) To keep the Central government-under check
(b) To keep the State government-under check
(c) To settle the disputes between Centre and States
(d) To protect liberties of the people
10.The central organ of a Confederation enjoys :
(a) Independent Law Making Powers
(b) No Law Making Powers
(c) Only Military Powers
(d) Only Judicial Powers
11.Which one of the following is not associated with the theory of separation of powers ?
(a) English Constitution
(b) The Spirit of Laws
(c) Division of Powers
(d) Political Homogeneity
12.Which one of the following States created Federation through the operation of centripetal forces?
(a) India
(b) U.S.A.
(c) Canada
(d) All the above
13.The units under unitary government enjoy :
(a) Original Powers
(b) Powers drawn from the Constitution directly
(c) Only those powers which are entrusted to them by the Centre
(d) No Powers of the above nature
14.Which one of the following helps to curb the Centre from exceeding its authority ?
(a) Parliamentary form of the government
(b) Presidential form of the government
(c) Both Parliamentary and Presidential form of government
(d) Federal form of the government
15.Which one of the following act as brokers of ideas ?
(a) Legislature
(b) Executive
(c) Political Parties
(d) Civil Servants
16. Which one of the following acts as the highest court of appeal :
(a) Senate
(b) Cantons
(c) House of Representatives
(d) House of Lords
17. In _____ form of Government, both Executive and Legislature are unified and controlled by the same person.
(a) Presidential Government
(b) Federal Government
(c) Unitary Government
(d) Parliamentary Government
18.The classic exposition of the theory of separation of powers occurs in the famous book “TheSpirit of Laws” published in 1748 is written by :
(a) Aristotle
(b) Bentham
(c) Bodin
(d) Montesquieu
19. In _____, the two houses of legislature are known as Senate and House of representatives.
(a) England
(b) Switzerland
(c) France
(d) United States of America
20. “_______ is the aggregate or totality of all the functionaries or agencies which are concernedwith execution of the will of the State as that will has been formulated and expressed in terms of Law”.
(a) Legislature
(b) Executive
(c) Judiciary
(d) Tribunals
21. _____ shall be the Commander in Chief of the Indian Armed Forces.
(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Defence Minister
(d) Lieutenant General
22. ____ says “When we know how a nation-state dispenses justice, we know with exactness themoral character to which it can pretend”.
(a) Lord Bryce
(b) Prof. Laski
(c) Bentham
(d) George Washington
23.In _____, the real executive power lies in the hands of President.
(a) England
(d) India
(c) U.S.A.
(d) France
24. _____ system of Government is based on the principle of decentralisation of powers.
(a) Unitary
(b) Federal
(c) Presidential
(d) Confederation
25.In which of the following country there is single party system ?
(a) Italy (b) U.S.A.
(c) England (d) France
26. If there is violation of the rights of citizen by the State machinery, the matter is resolved by :
(a) Legislature
(b) Judiciary
(c) President
(d) Prime Minister
27.In India _____ is given powers to amend the Constitution.
(a) Legislature
(b) Judiciary
(c) Executive
(d) Constituent Assembly
28.Which of the following is an example of confederation ?
(a) Canada
(b) Switzerland
(c) France
(d) England
29.The general will of the people is reflected in :
(a) Judiciary
(b) Legislature
(c) Executive
(d) Political parties
30. “Government by free political parties is merely another name for democratic government”. Who said this ?
(a) A.L. Lowell
(b) Prof. MacIver
(c) Prof. W.B. Munro
(d) Gettel
31.Presidential from of Government is —
(a) Representative without being responsible
(b) Responsible without being representative
(c) Neither responsible nor representative
(d) None of these
32Which of the following is described as the nation’s committee of grievances ?
(a) Bureaucracy
(b) Political Party
(c) Legislature
(d) Judiciary
33.The authority possessed by local bodies in a unitary system of government is —
(a) Original
(b) Derived from the central government
(c) Derived from the constitution
(d) Derived from the people
34. Which is the most important advantage provided by the bi-party system ?
(a) Election expenditure incurred by every party is reduced
(b) The government are more stable
(c) Party indiscipline is reduced to the minimum
(d) The press is able to respect the party activities fully
35.The common authority of confederation deals only with —
(a) Citizens of member states
(b) Government of the member states
(c) Parliaments of the member states
(d) None of these.
36.Which is not a kind of executive ?
(a) Singular executive
(b) Non-Career executive
(c) Bi-Cameral executive
(d) Hereditary executive
37.“Prime Minister is the keystone of the cabinet arch.” Who said this ?
(a) Fredrich Heggel
(b) Ramsay Muit
(c) Bagehot
(d) J.S. Mill
38.The most attribute of judiciary is —
(a) Power of juidicial review
(b) Separate Organization
(c) Independence of working
(d) Legal status.
39.Which one of the following is a protective mechanism to make the government safe for
governed ?
(a) Legislation
(b) Opposition parties
(c) Separation of powers
(d) Confederation
40.The book of “Spirit of the Laws’ was published in the year.
(a) 1748
(b) 1784
(c) 1834
(d) 1879
41.The principle of seperation of power ensures :
(a) Independence of the Legislature
(b) Independence of the Executive
(c) Independence of both
(d) The Liberty of the people
42. The success of working Parliamentary government depends upon —
(a) One party system
(b) Bi-party system
(c) Multi-party system
(d) Party-less system
43.The government under Parliamentary system is —
(a) Headed by the Cabinet
(b) Headed by the President
(c) Headed by the Prime-Minister
(d) Headed by the Speaker
44.Judicial review is a feature of :
(a) Parliamentary form of government
(b) Presidential form of government
(c) Unitary form of government
(d) Federal form of government
45. Who considers quasi-Federal as the nature of Indian Political system ?
(a) J.W. Garuer
(b) M.V. Pylee
(c) K.C. Wheare
(d) Sir Ivor Jennings
