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Multiple Choice Questions

(1) What is the next best known name for international law ?

(a) Jus gentium

(b) Law of Nations

(c) Law among Nations

(d) None of the above

(2) ________ called international law as a positive international morality.

(a) Austin

(b) Holland

(c) Kelson

(d) Vattel

(3) State which of the following statement is/are correct :

(a) International law governs not only a community of states but an organized international society.

(b) International law is concerned not merely with the delimitation of the rights of states but also with harmonising them.

(c) International law adopts itself to the need of international life and develops itself side by side with it.

(d) All the above statements are correct

(4) Which of the following article of the Statute of International Court of Justice enumerates "treaty" as the first source of International Law ?

(a) Art. 37 (1) (a)

(b) Art. 38 (1) (a)

(c) Art. 37 (1) (b)

(d) None of the above

(5) Recognition is necessary for :

(a) Establishing diplomatic relations and international intercourse.

(b) Filing actions in the municipal courts of other states.

(c) Recovering property situated within the jurisdiction of other states.

(d) All of the above

(6) The principles and objectives of the U.N. were laid down at :

(a) New York Conference of 1944

(b) Yalta Conference of February 11, 1945

(c) The San Francisco Conference of June 25, 1945

(d) Iumbarton Oaks Conference of 1944

(7) In maintaining international peace and security, the Security Council has :

(a) Exclusive authority

(b) Primary authority

(c) Both primary and exclusive authority

(d) Collective authority

(8) Seat of I.C.J. is permanently situated at :

(a) New York

(b) Moscow

(c) Rome

(d) Hague

(9) Rights of passage over Indian Territory Case (1960) 1236 lays down :

(a) Customary Rights which Portugal has over the British Indian Territory survived to Portugal after

India became independent.

(b) A free state is not bound by the right conceded by the Imperial State over its territory.

(c) The case does not clearly lay down any principle.

(d) This case is not a proposition for anything

(10) The principle that, "the issue of passage of warships through territorial sea depends upon the state of customary law," is laid down in :

(a) United States v. California

(b) A.M. S.S.V.M. & Co. v. State of Madras

(c) Corfu Channel Case

(d) None of the above

(11) According to Indian Maritime Zones Act, 1976, EEZ of India is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial waters and the limit of such zone is :

(a) 100 miles

(b) 12 miles

(c) 120 miles

(d) 200 miles

(12) International law treats nationality as an evidence of the existence of genuine connection (link) of an individual with the state, is a statement derived from :

(a) La Grand Case

(b) Bread Case

(c) Nottebohm Case

(d) None of the above

(13) The treaty adopted by General Assembly governing the activities of states in the exploration and useof Outer Space, including Moon and Celestial Bodies, is known as :

(a) State sovereignty in International Space Law, 1977.

(b) Outer Space Treaty of 1967.

(c) Declaration of Outer Space, 1963

(d) None of the above

(14) International Labour Conference is the Supreme body which meets annually at ILO headquarters in :

(a) Hague

(b) New York

(c) Geneva

(d) Paris

(15) Which of the following convention is/are related to Airspace ?

(a) Paris Convention

(b) Warsaw and Chicago Convention

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above.


1 Comment

Jan 05, 2023

Good n very useful.


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