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Legal Language :- The unity in Diversity

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Unity in Diversity

There is much linguistic diversification in India. People show much love and affection in their mother tongue. This diversification may lead to threatening the Integrity of the country. Hence several provisions have been incorporated into the Indian constitution to balance linguistic majorities and minorities. Precautions have been taken to protect linguistic minorities. The aim of our constitution is unity in diversity. It is to enrich the unity by making it assimilate the diversities. It is not to encourage fissiparous tendencies.

The advocates work in villages, towns, cities, etc. The clients communicate their difficulties

in the regional language. Advocates should hear it in the regional language and translate it into pleading and arguments in English. The clients do not know what happens in the courts due to no acquaintance with English. They ask their advocates some of the advocates tell the proceeding concisely manner. The majority of the advocates do not tell the proceeding in a concise manner. The majority of an advocate does not tell the proceedings to their clients.

The Law Commission andBar Council of India noticed it. Hence they proposed to introduce regional language as one subject to be taught in the legal curriculum. According to the recommendations, One paper/subject under name of legal language and legal writing has been compulsorily introduced with effect from the 1998-99 academic year.

Legal terms in English and regional language, translation of passages, etc. are added to this subject. The student has to translate one passage from the English regional language and vice versa. The object of introducing legal language and legal writing is to enable the student with acquainted vocabulary, legal terms, maxims identification of case law, translation, etc. This will certainly prove profitable to students in their careers,

We have, given certain passages in English, We advise you to practice translating from English to your vernacular language. All the Indian languages possess certain similar characteristics. Even certain words are also found similar. The reason is the effect of Sanskrit on all the Inda languages.

Language Diversification

India never had a common language, which can be understood by masse and common people. Up to the Muslim invasion. Sanskrit was used as a common medium. However, it was restricted to only Learned and Brahmins. During the Muslim region, the importance of Sanstritwas decreased, and Urdu developed considerably as a common language Even in that period also Urdu could not approach the common people since the beginning of the seventeenth century. Britishers introduced English in education, administration, and courts. English is not recognized as an Official language by the framers of the Indian constitution. Even though, English has been playing a dominant role in entire India in education and administration. Courts, etc., However, English is restricted to educated people only. The majority of the Indians are illiterate or even the literate do not understand English well.

The unity in Diversity



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