Some easy tips to protect computers from the growing threats:
Terminate Online Session Completely:
Closing the browser window or typing in a new website address without logging out may give others a chance of gaining access to your account information. Always terminate your online session by clicking on the "Log out or Sign Out" button. Avoid using the option of "remember" your username and password information.
Create Backup of Important Data:
Backup of all the important files whether personal or professional should be created. Getting used to back up your files regularly is the first step towards security of your personal computer.
Use Security Programs:
If your system does not have data protection software to protect online, then by all means buy internet security program for your computer. Today, almost all new computer systems come with some kind of security programs installed.
Protect Your Password:
Try creating a password that consists of a combination of letters (both upper case and lower case), numbers and special characters. Password should be changed regularly. Do not share your password with other people.
Participation in Social Networking:
While participating in most social networking sites do not expose the personal information to others and all of these sites have a certain intensity of control over security issues. Use privacy settings to prevent personal information being broadcast.
Use Your Own Computer:
It's generally safer to access your financial accounts from your own computer only. If you use some others computer, always delete all the "Temporary Internet Files", and clear all your "History" after logging off your account. Update Your Software Package Regularly: Frequent online updates are needed for all the Internet security software installed on your computer system.
Using Email:
A simple rule in using this communication tool is not to open any links in emails from people you do not know. Hackers do use E-mail as the main target seeking to steal personal information, financial data, security codes and other. Do not use the link sent to you. If you need access to any website, visit the website by typing the address in your menu bar. Cyber crime, being a burning issue around the world, many countries is beginning to implement laws and other regulatory mechanisms in an attempt to minimize the incidence of cybercrime. The laws in many countries on effectiveness of the punishment and prevention of computer crime requires a robust number and scope of the regulations, and even the proceedings, which lags far behind the reality of demand for computer crime in judicial practice.
