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United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ( UNICEF )

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ( UNICEF )

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ( UNICEF ) is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. It was established in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly. All the member-states of the UNO are members of UNICEF. An elected body of thirty - States ' Executive Board administers the affairs of UNICEF. In 1953, the name UNICEF was changed into ' U.N. Children's Fund '. However, it was also resolved by the General Assembly of the UNO to retain UNICEF. Its headquarters is situated in New York.

UNICEF is a specialized agency of UNO. It is not a non-governmental agency. As the objects of UNICEF are related with philanthropic and human rights, we must study in academic interests.


It deals with the rehabilitation of children in war-ravaged countries. UNICEF's objectives closely resemble with World Health Organization ( WHO ), and other specialized agencies of the UNO like UNDP, FAO, UNESCO. In certain occasions, UNICEF and WHO worked together to solve the problems, i.e. malaria , tuberculosis venereal diseases , etc. Now , UNICEF concentrates in the fields such as maternal, child health , nutrition , environmental sanitation, water supply to rural areas, health centres, health education , etc. , which will be beneficial to children .


Child health : UNICEF pays greater attention on the child health . It gives financial support in the production and distribution of vaccination materials to several diseases , specially those occur to children . UNICEF assisted India to establish a Penicillin plant in Pune . Supplying DDT , iodized salt , vitamin tablets , etc. to the children , is one of its functions .

Child nutrition : The children are also human beings . They are entitled to have right to food . Hence UNICEF pays much attention on the child nutrition . It gives financial assistance for the distribution of low - cost protein - rich food mixtures . For this purpose , it has collaboration with FAO , and began to helping ' applied nutrition ' programmes through such channels as community development . For this purpose , UNICEF contributed huge funds to India , and established child nutrition centres throughout the country .

Education : UNICEF preaches that the children have to right to education . Right to education is vested in every child and it is a part and parcel of human right . For this purpose , UNICEF , with the collaboration of UNESCO , provides the study materials , teaching techniques , library books , audiovisual aids for the children especially belonging to the third world .

Family and Child welfare : To develop the personality and health of children , first it is necessary to educate the parents . on this issue , and provides parent UNICEF concentrates education , day - care centres , child welfare and youth agencies , women's clubs , etc.

Country health programming : The UNICEF aims to eradicate specific diseases and to protect the young children of entire world , especially the children of the third world. It has been paying high voluminous attention on the concept of ' whole child ' . The concept of ' whole child ' means, the assistance should not be limited to health and nutrition, but it should extend to develop the personality of the children, which may in turn evidence in developing the countries . Because to - day's child is tomorrow's citizen and would become integral part of the fully developed society.

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund ( UNICEF )



“Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use To Change The World “

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